Sunday, January 11, 2009

Racing the Dark

I seem to be inspired lately - and even though my sculpts seem dark or brooding, I really am in a completely happy state of mind. Hopefulness, wonder, and joy are all in these pieces. I see them and I hope you do, too.

This is the latest sculpt and has just been listed on eBay under my seller id idrawpix.


Sarah Sullivan said...

Wowowowow!!! Dark but deeply beautiful work hon!!! I do so love your gift!!

ArtPropelled said...

I don't find her dark and brooding at all. She's beautiful and mysterious....and most unusual....which is what I love.

Lisa Lectura Creations said...

Oooh Karen! Another marvelous piece! Your imagination is full of soul.

vintagepaletteart said...

AmAzInG!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad that I stopped by today and got to see your latest. Your pics outside your studio door are absolutely gorgeous. I would be transfixed staring at that too! =D
